GOOGLE MAPS (Version B) - 2013 Determined Boundaries with 2011 SGE Polling Places and Adjacent 2004 District Boundaries

NOTE - These boundaries will not take effect until the 2015 State General Election (SGE) which is likely to take place in March 2015

Clicking on the district names shown below will display the determined 2013 redistribution districts and their boundaries (purple line) with extra layers

  • an overlay of the Polling Places that were used by the NSWEC in the 2011 State General Election that are now located in the 2013 district and
  • by clicking on the button showing the adjacent 2004 districts and their 2004 boundaries (blue lines) that have made up the new 2013 district.

All state district by-elections that may be held before March 2015 will be held using the boundaries determined by the 2004 State Redistribution process.

If you do not know the name of your new district, please visit The Land and Property Information SIX website to use the search tool there to find your enrolment at your current address within the proposed 2015 boundaries.

The Redistribution of state electoral districts was proclaimed on 18 September 2013.